Sunday, February 14, 2010

Facts less known : A technical view of James Cameron’s AVATAR


Be a gadget, movie, machine, building or any man-made marvels, I would like to have a knowledge on what technical work has gone in the background. This post is out of one such venture by me online/offline for Avatar. The Sci-fi block buster directed by James Cameron and produced by 20th Century Fox, Avatar is yet another CG (Computer Graphics) marvel and the highest gross feature film ever made. More than 80% of the film is virtual consisting 110 minutes of full CG and 20 minutes of live action - CG combo.

VFX companies

The lead visual effects company that brought Jim’s vision real on screen was Weta Digital in Wellington, New Zealand. It has won two academy awards for visual effects in The Lord of the Rings and King Kong along with an Oscar nomination for I-Robot.


Though the major elements like the Pandora environment, characters and creatures were developed at Weta, to help finish the special effects sequences on time, a number of other companies were brought on board, including Light & Magic, which worked alongside Weta Digital to create the battle sequences. ILM was responsible for the visual effects for many of the film's specialized vehicles and devised CGI explosions. Others were BUF, Halon, Hybride, Hydralux, Lola, Pixel Liberation Front, Stan Winston studio and the Third Floor.


Hundreds of animators, computing specialists working with a plethora of technologies and experimenting new techniques, brought out Avatar for Jim.

AutoDesk’s Maya and Motionbuilder were two major tools used, where the former created 3D stereo graphics and the later helped in real time motion capture integration and rendering.

Adobe Photoshop was used to create many of the ultra-high resolution matte paintings and textures that were used as finished artwork passed along to the 3D pipeline for CG environments, vehicles and creatures.


AdobeLight room was used by artists in the previsualization stage to organize and catalog the thousands of set and lighting reference images.

Adobe After Effects was used to automate rough compiling of the video of the facial performances of the actors into CG character. It was also used to create complex motion graphics for use in the 3D holographic screens in the various control room scenes, and to create “heads-up” displays for various high-tech vehicles in the film.

Adobe Premiere Pro was used for creative editing and immediate review

Acrobat Connect was used for collaboration throughout the making of the film like sharing data with the crew for review and changes after immediate rendering.

Shooting Techniques:

Performance capture: The process of recording movement and translating that movement onto a digital model. It is used in military, entertainment, sports, and medical applications. In filmmaking it refers to recording actions of human actors, and using that information to animate digital character models in 2D or 3D computer animation. When it includes face, fingers and captures subtle expressions, it is often referred to as performance capture.

Nearly 120 industrial cameras from Basler vision were rigged up around the set. The floor was marked with a grid, marking the areas covered by each camera. The actors wore special black leotards, with white reflective spots stuck all over. The cameras tracked the movement of those dots, not of the actors.

Computers receiving that camera feed would create rough virtual characters, moving in exactly the same way, instantly. When Zoe Saldana, the lead actress moved, a crude model of Neytiri, her virtual avatar in the computer, mimicked her actions. This was not new for Weta as they have already mo-capped for King Kong and LOR

Real time facial Expression: This was completely a new venture by Weta demanded by Jim. We quickly lose interest in digital faces that don't properly emote. To make his avatars believable, Cameron made real human actors act out everything. While wearing special headgear, with powerful inbuilt cameras.


Avatars had eyebrows which would show most emotions clear-cut, but Navi’s din’t have. To compensate that every movement of the eyeball, dilation of the pupil, quiver of the lips, tightening of muscles under the skin was recorded and fed to a computer. The processing system has to deal with a world that is interactive and unpredictable. It is not possible to know where the actor is going to be in the next few seconds; therefore, it is not possible to plan the shots as a film maker would do. To solve this issue, the system relies on artificial intelligence to select the most appropriate shots which was used to create expressions for the digital characters.

3D Cameras: Real humans often share screen space with the visually rich digital characters in Avatar. To ensure they didn't look out of place, they had to be shot in three dimensions.

Till recently, 3D cameras were the size of a fridge. And weighed 250 kilos. Two separate cameras, kept a few feet apart, and moved together by huge cranes would record shots, which would later be played by two separate projectors at the theatre.


Cameron made a light, twenty five kilo 3D camera, Just like our eyes, it's got two separate inbuilt lenses, which move and change focus on objects independently. A computer combines the images they record and overlaps them to create a 3D effect.

Virtual Camera: This one's a simple notebook sized LCD screen, with video game like controls built in. But it displays the virtual world being generated by supercomputers, not the real set he's actually shooting in..

Directors who used computer graphics earlier would have to imagine what their final shots would look like. With the virtual camera, Cameron had it all right in front of his eyes. He could walk to different corners of the set, or change his height from the top of a tree stump to onboard a hovering helicopter. Weta’s supercomputers would sense where he was on the grid and recreate his virtual planet from that perspective. He could choose a final shot from wherever he pleased on the grid, and the computers would faithfully generate it.

The Data Center

To render Avatar according to Paul Gunn, Systems Administrator at Weta , they have used a 10,000-sq foot server farm with 4,000 HP blade servers with over 35,000 64-bit processors in their data center with all of the rendering nodes using Red Hat enterprise Linux and 90% of their desktops running Ubuntu. Weta Digital has one of the world’s largest Linux clusters. It is ranked #193 amongst the top 500 supercomputers of the world with processing capabilities of 10 Gigaflops.


Creating the Na'vi characters and the virtual world of Pandora required over a petabyte of digital storage. For the last month of production the systems were handling 7 or 8 gigabytes of data per second, running 24 hours a day. A final copy of Avatar equated to 17.28 gigabytes per minute of storage.

Note : The information, statistics and images were purely attained out of interest by Googling and from the magazine Computer Graphics world . This post contains information from various web sources like forums, wikis etc. Links are below.


Making of Avatar at Youtube

Computer Graphics World - CG In Another World

Wiki highest gross films

Avatar and Weta Digital

Linux and Avatar

Weta Data center

Jaimon Joseph’s Blog

Adobe products in Avatar

Motion Capture

Virtual camera system

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Arduino Digital Pulse Counter

Measuring heart rate per minute is a part of my academic project for which I had to count digitally high pulses coming from the sensor. Having a Sanguino board (ATMEGA664P based) which is an Arduino variant, counting became easy with the peripherals like timers and interrupts.

Googling for arduino pulse counter mainly yielded results from forums which was of some use, but not satisfied which lead to this post with a generalized pulse counter. This has numerous applications. One quick example could be measuring RPM of a motor.

Here pulse is given as external interrupt and counted meanwhile a timer takes care of measuring interval.Knowledge of timers and interrupts in AVR architecture is required.AVRFreaks has an excellent tutorial on AVR timers.One of the best I would say.

Plunging into code directly :

It can be downloaded here.(remove the .txt to open in arduino IDE)

File : Pulse.pde (opens in arduino IDE
Description : Counts digital pulse on External Interrupt 0 for 1 minute and prints the value serially
Date : 6th February 2010
Author : Kishore Sheik Ahamed M R
Contact :

int iTestPin=13; //Pin which generates test pulses, this is not needed when actual pulse is available for measurement
int iPulsePin = 10; //Pin serving as external interrupt (INT 0) to count the pulses
static int siPulseCounter=0; //Variable keeping track of pulse counts
static int siSecondCount=0; //Variable keeping track no. of seconds in the timer1 block

void SetupTimer1() //Setting up timer1 with appropriate register values

TCCR1A = 0; // No PWM is used.So set this to zero.
TCCR1B = 1<<CS12 | 0<<CS11 | 0<<CS10; // Input clock is set to F(cpu)/256
TIMSK1 = 1<<TOIE1; // Enable timer interrupt to detect overflow
Set the timer count to overflow to in 1 second.
My board has a 16MHz oscillator.
Reload Timer Value = ((2 ^ Bits) - 1) - ((Input Frequency / Prescale) / Target Frequency)
= 65535 - ((16 x 10 ^6 Hz)/256)/1 Hz
= 65535 - 62500
= 3035
TCNT1=0x0bdb; //3035 in hex

ISR(TIMER1_OVF_vect) // Timer1 ISR when it overflows

TCNT1=0x0bdb; //Reset Timer1 to count another second
siSecondCount++; //Increase second count
if(siSecondCount>=60) //If 60 Seconds are attained Print the Pulse count to serial port.

Serial.print("Pulse Count is ");
Serial.print(siPulseCounter,DEC); //Print as decimal value
siPulseCounter=0; //Reset counter values for next minute cycle

void setup(void)

pinMode(iPulsePin, INPUT); // Set Pulsepin to accept inputs
digitalWrite(iPulsePin, HIGH);
pinMode(iTestPin, OUTPUT); // Test signal generator pin as output. Can be ignored if the actual digital signal is available
attachInterrupt(0, count, RISING); // Caputres external interrupt 0 at iPulsepin at rising edge and calls funtion count defined below
Serial.begin(9600); // Begin Serial communication at baudrate 9600 bps
SetupTimer1(); // Call Setuptimer1 function
Serial.println(" Initialising, Please wait...");


void loop(void)

/*** Following 4 lines just generate pulses for testing purposes.
All the 4 lines Can be ignored if the actual digital signal is available ***/

digitalWrite(iTestPin, HIGH); // sets the iTestPin ON
delay(1000); // waits for a second
digitalWrite(iTestPin, LOW); // sets the iTestPin off
delay(1000); // waits for a second


void count() // Function called by AttachInterrupt at interrupt at int 0

siPulseCounter++; //increment the pulse count


/* End of Pulse.pde */

Now lets dissect the code.

int iTestPin=13;              //Pin which generates test pulses,actually not needed
int iPulsePin = 10; //Pin serving as external interrupt (INT 0) to count
static int siPulseCounter=0; //keeping track of pulse counts
static int siSecondCount=0; //keeping track no. of seconds

External Interrupt zero(0) is a pin numbered 10 in my Sanguino which counts the pulses, and Pin 13 genrates test pulses to count in the absence of actual pulses.

Seperate counters for keeping track of pulse count and time are declared static for unique use through out the program.

Next, Timer is set.

void SetupTimer1() //Setting up timer1 with appropriate register values

TCCR1A = 0; // No PWM is used.So set this to zero.
TCCR1B = 1<<CS12 | 0<<CS11 | 0<<CS10; // Input clock is set to F(cpu)/256
TIMSK1 = 1<<TOIE1; // Enable timer interrupt to detect overflow

The interval 1 minute to be measured is actually a very loooooooonnngg time for a chip running at 16MHz. Thus the timer is calibrated such that it counts 1 sec which is executed 60 times. 16 bit long Timer1 is suitable for this purpose

If you lack knowledge on timers , please refer to the tutorial referenced above.Firstly the timer1 is given a prescalar of 256 so that it approximately yielded 1.04 secs for a full run from 0x0000 to 0xFFFF.

This is achieved by setting prescalar in TCCR1B as 0100 for CS12 CS11 and CS10 and loading the Timer count with value 0xbdb in hex or 3550 in decimal which is calculated as follows:

Timer Value = ((2 ^ Bits) - 1) - ((chip Input Frequency / Prescale) / Target Frequency )

= (2^16-1) - ((16 x 10 ^6 Hz)/256)/1 Hz

= 65535 - 62500

= 3035.

The Timer1 interrupt is enabled by setting TOIE1

ISR(TIMER1_OVF_vect)  // Timer1 ISR when it overflows

TCNT1=0x0bdb; //Reset Timer1 to count another second
siSecondCount++; //Increase second count
if(siSecondCount>=60) //If 60 Seconds are attained Print the Pulse count to serial port.
Serial.print("Pulse Count is ");
Serial.print(siPulseCounter,DEC); //Print as decimal value
siPulseCounter=0; //Reset counter values for next minute cycle

Here comes the Timer1 ISR (Interrupt service Routine).What does it do? Simple. After every second,the timer1 overflows and generates an interrupt which increments the second counter by 1. If it is equal to 60, the static pulse count is printed serially and counting variables are reset.

void setup(void)
pinMode(iPulsePin, INPUT); // Set Pulsepin to accept inputs
digitalWrite(iPulsePin, HIGH);
pinMode(iTestPin, OUTPUT); // Test signal generator pin as output. Can be ignored if the actual digital signal is available
attachInterrupt(0, count, RISING); // Caputres external interrupt 0 at iPulsepin at rising edge and calls funtion count defined below
Serial.begin(9600); // Begin Serial communication at baudrate 9600 bps
SetupTimer1(); // Call Setuptimer1 function
Serial.println(" Initialising, Please wait...");


Straight forward arduino code to set I/O ports and serial communication except attachInterrupt(0, count, RISING);

This code just capture external interrupt zero (pin 10 as declared above) at the rising edge of pulse applied and calls a user defined funtion named count().

void loop(void)
digitalWrite(iTestPin, HIGH); // sets the iTestPin ON
delay(1000); // waits for a second
digitalWrite(iTestPin, LOW); // sets the iTestPin off
delay(1000); // waits for a second

The above lines just generate pulses for testing purposes.This loop can be empty if actual signal is available.

void count()   

siPulseCounter++; //increment the pulse count


This is the count() function mentioned above for the AttachInterrupt code.Its almost the ISR for the interrupt incrementing a counter each time when a pulse occurs and there ends the code.Connect the test pulse generating pin and the interrupt pin physically.

The point to be noted here is if the test signal generation code is removed, all actions happen just by hardware interrupts or in other words the code does not demand processors attention every time (expect the initializations) which can be utilized for any other purpose.

Hope the post was useful. cheers :-)